- Leona Vicario: Her's full name was Maria de la Soledad Leona Camila Vicario Fernández de San Salvador, daughter of a Spanish merchant and a woman with indigenous direct offspring. She was a great journalist from the American illustrator, and thanks to her work the insurgents realized her work and contacted her. She supported the movement from Mexico City providing information on what was happening and also, she helped providing them with goods to support the cause. In 1813 she was imprisoned to discover that she supported the independence movement, but she was able to escape and take refuge in Oaxaca. She at the same time joined the troops of José María Morelos y Pavón,
- Matilde Montoya: based on data from the [1]Matilde Montoya became the first medical woman in Mexico, which caused opinion between the society of the time: some recognized and applauded their work and saw in it a start of the change in the place of women in society, while others , they questioned their effort and position since at that time it was not normal, in a woman, a profession like yours. On August 24, 1887, Matilde changed the history of Mexico.
- Dolores del Rio[2]: She triumphed in the American cinema in the decades of the 20s and 30s of the last century and became one of the most important figures in the golden age of Mexican cinema in the years. She was born in the state of Durando and she married a Mexican writer with whom she attended international social events where she met the American film director who noticed her talent. She is remembered as the first Mexican to conquer Hollywood and Mexican hearts.
- Elvia Carrillo Puerto[3]: Born in Yucatan, Elvia, better known as the "red nun" dedicated her heart to the Mexican Revolution and the consecration of the feminist movement. She founded several organizations with the purpose of fighting for women's rights. Likewise, she became the first deputy woman of Mexico and highlights the need to educate and give voice to Mexicans.
- Andrea Cruz Hernández: Born in Oaxaca, she was the first pilot woman of the Mexican Air Force.[4] To differentiate her from her companions, she received from her superiors the "Venus" badge. She graduated in 2011 and is known as the Venus of Space.
- Marcela Lagarde[5]: She is an academic, researcher and doctor in anthropology. She promoted the inclusion of the term "feminicide" as a crime in the Federal Criminal Code as well as the General Law of Access of Women to a Life Free of Violence, in force since 2007.
- Kenya Cuevas: She is an activist who won the Merit of Merit of Defenders of Human Rights by the Congress of Mexico City. She has a hostel project that fights for the rights and empowerment of diverse sex-gender women (LGBT +) in a situation of vulnerability to violence in Mexico.
- Cecilia Guadalupe Soto González: he is a feminist, politics, political analyst and former Mexican diplomatic. She is also excandidata to the presidency of Mexico for the PT for the 1994 elections. She today is known as one of the strongest promoters of female political participation, defender of the gender quota and even in favor of equality in the cop
- Yalitza Aparicio: Mexican actress, she was appointed Ambassador of good will of theUnited Nations Educational, Science and Culture Organization With the mandate of supporting the empowerment of the original peoples
- María Salguero: According to Forbes, she is one of the most influential Mexican women. She is fEminista, researcher, scientistIphic data, activist, specialist in organized and geophysical femicide and crime by Professor Salguero was the creator of the feminicide map in MandXICO, she has dedicated her life to name and track victims of femicides in MandXICO.
Although through the years Mexicans have won battles for equality, we continue in the constant struggle to improve the society where we live. According to INEGI data, in Mexico there are61.4 million women, more than half of the population.
We are a country that looks purple, but not only should it be in March, it should always be. Women have become the voice of courage. The echo of hope for a feminist Mexico.
[1] https://www.cndh.org.mx/noticia/muere-matilde-montoya-lafragua-primera-medicamexicana#:~:text=Matilde%20Montoya%20se%20convirti%C3%B3%20en,esfuerzo%2C%20argumentando%20que%20no%20era%20%E2%80%9C
[3] https://www.senado.gob.mx/hoy/elvia_carrillo/biografia.php#:~:text=Elvia%20es%20conocida%20como%20%E2%80%9CMonja,despu%C3%A9s%20de%20la%20Revoluci%C3%B3n%20Mexicana.
[4] https://www.unionjalisco.mx/2020/03/05/20-mujeres-importantes-en-la-historia-de-mexico/
[5] https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/algarabia/5-feministas-mexicanas-que-han-abierto-el-camino-por-la-igualdad-y-que-debes-conocer